Around us, wonderful things happen all the time. Being able to capture that very moment when a parent wells with pride, a child breaks out in laughter, a grandparent surveys the world of love they created with a smiling eyes or even the tiniest creature as it goes about its daily ritual upon a petal. A good photo comprise of many things, not only must you capture the moment, but convey the mood with light and shadow, perspective, and composition.
Photography is my passion I see life through a camera even when a camera is absent. I took up the passion when I was 15yrs old when I bought my first Minolta X7a slr camera. I started my own Dark room in my bedroom and began photography classes at age 17.
I am now a 40s Dad with a family and a couple of Digital cameras and Modern and Vintage lenses. I can capture the light and shadows that mother nature provides or create any mood with artificial lighting.
I am available for any photographic needs you may require. Concerts/recitals, Sports, Portraits, Products, Realestate, Head shots, Automotive, Pole aerial, Landscape, Pets.
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Based in London Ontario Canada